We need a Volunteer Coordinator!

We are currently looking to fill the board position of Volunteer Coordinator. We expect this position would take 5h per month and would involve your attendance in our monthly board meeting. This person would be in charge of managing our street captains including keeping track of which streets have captains & coordinating with sub-committee members, If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca

Other Volunteer Oppotunities

• Media Coverage – we need a volunteer to keep an eye out for media coverage on issues relating to rental housing in our area and send the coverage info to our association to be included in the monthly newsletter and/or on the website.  If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca

• Community Events – we need a volunteer to keep an eye out for communityevents in our area and send the event info to our association to be included in the monthly newsletter and/or on the website. This will include events at community centre’s, farmers market, other neighbourhood associations or anything else that is happening in and around our community.  If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca

• Postcard Stock – we need a volunteer to occasionally check and restock association postcards various locations in our community.  Locations currently include Richmond Kings Community Centre, Pembina Trails Library, and the offices of various political leaders in our area.  If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca