Thank you so much to those of you who have agreed to join us as a Volunteer Street Captain! We recognize this is short notice but want to hold a Street Captain meeting before summer is underway and our Captains go on holidays!

Wednesday, June 29th
Ecole St Avila Gym (633 Patricia Ave) use West Entrance door to Gymnasium
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

The GOAL of the meeting will be to:

  1. Provide you with the new Neighbourhood Association postcards to share with your neighbours. The postcard points people to the website which contains important by law reporting information, rights and responsibilities when living in the neighbhourhood, and other valuable information addressing rental property concerns.
  2. To answer any questions you may have on how to complete the Rental House Inventory Sheet. Denise Crosbie and Councillor Lukes will be in attendance.

Can’t make the Street Captain Meeting?

  • You can pick up Neighbourhood Association postcards or have some delivered, SEE HERE
  • You can print of Rental House Inventory Sheet, SEE HERE
  • We have also prepared a good step by step overview to guide you, SEE HERE

Still in Need of Street Captains!

We still have many streets without Volunteer Street Captain. Please see the website for a list of streets in the neighbourhood that do not have Volunteer Street Captain. If you would like to be a Volunteer Street Captain please sign up here: