We are currently seeking volunteer ‘Street Captains’ for each street in Fort Richmond and University Heights. Present, we have approximately 40 people signed up, but we need more volunteers  – ideally a Street Captain for every street!

What Does a Volunteer Street Captain Do?  A Street Captain lives on the street they are volunteering to oversee.  There is no need for Street Captains to knock on doors, speak to residents, or do inspections.   The role is comprised of only two steps:

  1. The Street Captain will be provided with information Postcards which they hand deliver to each mailbox on their street about twice a year (spring and fall). This Postcard informs residents, tenants and landlords about the Fort Richmond – University Heights Neighbourhood Association, and also points them to our website highlighting their RESPONSIBILITIES for living in the neighbourhood and their RIGHTS as a resident, tenant and landlord.
  2. The Street Captain also completes the Street Captain Inventory Sheet, and forwards it to the City Councillor who works with the City of Winnipeg By-Law Task Force and Taxation division to assist in addressing rental property concerns. If you like to walk and would like to help enhance your community, please Click Here to become A Street Captain.
Become A Street Captain

Twitter link:  http://www.neighbourhoodassociation.ca/?p=306