Illegal Rooming Houses Info Session – Fire Codes and Reporting
Please join Councillor Janice Lukes and Janet Bier, Director of Fire Prevention for the City of Winnipeg, at an information session on Saturday, February 11 regarding Winnipeg Fire Codes related to illegal rooming houses, and more!

TIME:     10:00 a.m. Registration / 10:30 a.m. Presentation and Q&A
DATE:    Saturday, February 11, 2017
PLACE:  Richmond Kings Community Centre, 666 Silverstone

Director Bier’s presentation will highlight:

  • Information on the City’s current process and Fire Prevention’s response to a report of an illegal rooming house.
  • Information on how to identify a legal and illegal rooming house.
  • What is a legal rooming house.
  • Fire safety issues and risks associated with illegal rooming houses and the implications for students.
  • City By-law and Manitoba Fire Code requirements for rooming houses.
  • Potential solutions through the development of new regulations for establishing new legal rooming houses with the Province of Manitoba.

This is another aspect of helping to identify, report and see action on illegal rooming houses.

Councillor Janice Lukes will also be providing an update on communications she has been having with the Province of Manitoba related to investing in affordable student housing.

Everyone is welcome to attend this community information session.