
Upcoming Events


Presentation from City Planning Master’s Students

Please plan on attending an informative evening on January 11 at Richmond Kings Community Centre. We will be starting the presentation at 7:30 pm sharp!!

Under the direction and guidance of Dr. Orly Linovski from the University of Manitoba, City Planning Master’s students will be presenting their findings following 4 months of investigating land use, zoning, illegal housing and rental challenges in the communities of Fort Richmond, University Heights and beyond. Students will have displays to view and will also be doing a series of presentations.

While we have made significant progress in our efforts to combat illegal rental housing in the communities, there are more avenues to pursue and I am keen on hearing the perspective of these Master’s Students.  For more information, see the overview of the comprehensive course that Dr. Orly Linovski is leading.

We’d like to extend a special THANK YOU to community members who have provided feedback to students during the past four months.

Everyone is welcome to attend this event!  See you on January 11!

“Secondary Suites” Information Session

In the South Winnipeg-St. Norbert ward, from 2008 to 2015, a total of 5 permits for Secondary Suites were requested and approved.

To increase the general understanding of this type of development, the City of Winnipeg is hosting a free public information session on secondary suite development (also known as granny suites or in-law suites).

The event is free, but advance registration is required:

• Date: 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, January 14, 2017

• Location: Millennium Library (251 Donald Street), 2nd Floor – Buchwald Room

Workshop participants will learn about attached and detached secondary suites, why the City of Winnipeg is promoting their development, and what regulations and processes are required to build secondary suites.

Refreshments will be provided and seating is limited.

Interested participants should register by phone or by email no later than Friday, January 6, 2017:

• Phone: 204-986-2636

• Email: PlanningEd@winnipeg.ca

For more information, visit:

• http://www.winnipeg.ca/ppd/planning/planninged

• http://winnipeg.ca/SecondarySuites

Illegal Rooming Houses Info Session – Fire Codes and Reporting

Please join Councillor Janice Lukes and Janet Bier, Director of Fire Prevention for the City of Winnipeg, at an information session on Saturday, February 11 regarding Winnipeg Fire Codes related to illegal rooming houses, and more!

TIME:     10:00 a.m. Registration / 10:30 a.m. Presentation and Q&A
DATE:    Saturday, February 11, 2017
PLACE:  Richmond Kings Community Centre, 666 Silverstone

Director Bier’s presentation will highlight:

• Information on the City’s current process and Fire Prevention’s response to a report of an illegal rooming house.

• Information on how to identify a legal and illegal rooming house.

• What is a legal rooming house.

• Fire safety issues and risks associated with illegal rooming houses and the implications for students.

• City By-law and Manitoba Fire Code requirements for rooming houses.

• Potential solutions through the development of new regulations for establishing new legal rooming houses with the Province of Manitoba.

This is another aspect of helping to identify, report and see action on illegal rooming houses.

Councillor Janice Lukes will also be providing an update on communications she has been having with the Province of Manitoba related to investing in affordable student housing.

Everyone is welcome to attend this community information session.


Other News


Did You Know?

•  Derelict Vehicles can be reported to 311. If you have a derilect vehicle in you area please see the City of Winnipeg website for more information on what is considered a derilect vehicle and how to report it.

• Cars parked on residential streets are not allowed to be plugged in with an extension cord while parked on the street?  See more information on this new bylaw and now to report itSafety hazards are posted when extension cords extend across sidewalks and roadways. The new by-law makes vehicle owners responsible for any extension cords that are connected to parked vehicles on the roadway.


Community News

• St. Norbert Heritage Day - Februray 4 at St. Norbert Community Centre


Get Involved!


Become A Street Captain!

If you are able to donate one or two hours every September and June then consider helping us out as a street captain.  All you have to do is hand out postcards to your street, and submit any suspected rental properties via a new form on the website.  Your name and contact info will be kept 100% private and only accessible to board members. Sign up to be a street captain here.

We need a Volunteer Coordinator! 

We are currently looking to fill the board position of Volunteer Coordinator. We expect this position would take 5h per month and would involve your attendance in our monthly board meeting. This person would be in charge of managing our street captains including keeping track of which streets have captains & coordinating with sub-committee members, If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca

Other Volunteer Oppotunities

• Media Coverage - we need a volunteer to keep an eye out for media coverage on issues relating to rental housing in our area and send the coverage info to our association to be included in the monthly newsletter and/or on the website.  If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca

• Community Eventswe need a volunteer to keep an eye out for community events in our area and send the event info to our association to be included in the monthly newsletter and/or on the website. This will include events at community centre's, farmers market, other neighbourhood associations or anything else that is happening in and around our community.  If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca

• Postcard Stock - we need a volunteer to occasionally check and restock association postcards various locations in our community.  Locations currently include Richmond Kings Community Centre, Pembina Trails Library, and the offices of various political leaders in our area.  If you are interested in this opportunity please Contact us by e-mail: Info@NeighbourhoodAssociation.ca
